Asia the love of a lifetime

Ingrid Horstmann lives in Munich, but the emphasis of her work and her passion lies in Asia. She had the opportunity to travel and to work extensively in many places of the world and decided to share her experiences in several books. Her works on Myanmar (Burma), Ireland, Spain, Italy and Vietnam were published with the support of Times Edition. In 1997, she published “The way to a happy life“ by Verlag Kleine Schritte, which features photographical impressions from Myanmar, Vietnam, China and Japan, with the German bestselling author Walter Lübeck.
In 1999, she published a calendar “Development of a journey through time“ which was supported by Verlag Neureuter Munich, depicting some sensitive portraits of Buddhist monk life. In 2000, her second book named “Glances – beholden to Burma – A journey of discovery into the world of Myanmar“ featuring 150 pictures, was written in collaboration with Professor Wolfgang Willaschek (Professor at the Hamburg University of AppliedSciences – HAW). This book was also published in English, with the cooperation of Asia Book Edition, Bangkok, in 2001.
In 2007, Ingrid Horstmann wrote with Manfred Schramm (author and director at the Bayerischer Rundfunk), “Abseits ausgetretener Pfade – Off the Beaten Track”, with the support of Verlag Weishaupt. In this book, she presents her impressions of her journey in Burma from north to south, far from the tourist areas.
Ingrid Horstmann has lectured about her journeys and exhibited her works in the cities of Munich, Vienna, Madrid, Singapore, San Francisco, New York and Boston. In 2007 and 2008, she had the honor of being nominated for the Al-Thani Award for Photography. Verlag Reise Know-How used some of her work in their book named “Myanmar/Burma erzählt“.
Over 20 years of experience travelling in Myanmar allows her to organize and lead adventure tours for interested individuals into the hidden paths of this breathtaking country.
In order to give back to this country that she loves, Ingrid Horstmann is engaged in charitable work with the local orphanages in Yangon and Bogalay.